Stories From My Patients

I will be the first to state that patient stories can be misleading. Sometimes I think that patients feel the same way about their physicians as do about their favorite sport teams or their favorite beer. They tend to follow them out of pattern and comfort.

Admittedly, most published stories are from the successful and/or satisfied patients and those not successful or critical will not generally be published.

That said, patient stories can still give the reader a bit of flavor about a medical practice. All stories have been published with the express permission from the patients. Some will have patient names included in which you can contact them while others will be presented in an anonymous fashion. The stories will not have been changed but may occasionally contain grammatical or spelling edits. This is an old habit from my manuscript/journal editing days.

After admitting the inherent bias existing in stories from patients, I want to present a few that should interest the reader. Understand and accept the bias and enjoy the stories!


updated 1/6/10

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