Our Story:
Dr. Sweet and his staff were the answer to our countless prayers to conceive. My husband and I attempted to get pregnant for about five years. The endless months of counting cycle days, ovulation its, pregnancy tests, theories, infertility books read and the monthly disappointment which followed was emotionally exhausting for both of us. We had heard encouraging stories about Dr. Sweet for the past two years, bu our insurance wouldn't cover our visits to his office and, regretfully, we put off going to see him. We made huge career changes just to obtain insurance that would cover a portion of our treatment with Dr. Sweet. It was a great stress on us that our infertility was not covered by so many insurance companies. We did not want this to be a money issue. We didn't have any symptoms that we knew of which would keep us from having children, other than our inability to get pregnant after so many years of trying.
We had or first visit with Dr. Sweet on September 16, 1999, and after the physical exam, Dr. Sweet suspected that I had endometriosis. My husband and I were shocked. We were scheduled for an ultrasound about two weeks later and his predictions were correct. Dr. Sweet suspected endometriosis and told me I needed a laparoscopic surgery to confirm the stage of endometriosis and to do reparations.
I had surgery on November 12, 1999, and he videotaped the entire procedure so we could see what he repaired. It was amazing! We'll never forget what Dr. Sweet said after the surgery. He said, "You should be able to get pregnant now." Although this was exactly what we wanted to hear, we were still a little skeptical about the whole thing.
After our post-op visit a week later, we asked Dr. Sweet if we could do an IUI on our next cycle and he agreed to let us try this. Only three months after seeing Dr. Sweet for the first time, we did the IUI on December 17, 1999. By December 30th, we had tested positive on three home pregnancy tests! It was confirmed a week later and we were in we. It took a while to sink in, but we were finally pregnant!
We had our first ultrasound on January 25, 2000, and we were horrified to find out that our baby had positioned himself in the top left corner of the uterus, known as a cornual/angular pregnancy. Dr. Sweet informed us that we should repeat an ultrasound in another week and monitor it because we could lose the baby if he grew towards the outer wall instead of the middle of the uterus where it should have positioned himself. Our recent happiness was pulled out from under us and fear took over our lives for the next week. I was determined to will our baby to the center of the uterus. I only slept on my right side in hopes that the baby would move towards the center! I couldn't function suddenly at home. We prayed and prayed and prayed and finally the day came. Our prayers were answered. Dr. Sweet was pleased that the baby was growing toward the center and was beginning to move away from the wall. We could breathe again. We could be happy again.
After five years of waiting, we were certainly thankful for this gift from God. It is God who gives us the wisdom and choice to seek help. Dr. Sweet and his staff are as much a blessing as the baby who now fills our lives with such joy.
I hope our story encourages anyone going through infertility to seek the opinion of a specialist, but we highly recommend Dr. Sweet whit all our heart for he is truly a miracle worker. They say that couples have come from far away to be treated by him and we know why. He is the best. I'm also very happy to have helped a friend of mine by encouraging her to see Dr. Sweet when she was experiencing the frustration of unexplained infertility. She is now pregnant with twins and our children will grow up together.
Name withheld upon request.
Comment From Dr. Sweet:
This couple had been subfertile for about five years prior to coming to see me. She was experiencing painful periods and painful intercourse and I thought I felt nodules of endometriosis in her pelvis on her first examination.
Her surgery was less involved than many in that she only had stage II (mild) endometriosis with pelvic adhesions. The surgery went well.
While I had suggested the D/D/M/S method (Dinner, Dancing, Movies and Sex), they opted for one clomiphene citrate/intra-uterine insemination cycle. Obviously, they were smarter than I since they conceived on their first cycle!
Just when we thought all was well, I did indeed become concerned about the location of the pregnancy. The pregnancy was way in the corner of the uterus, but not quite in the Fallopian tube, consistent with a very, very rare angular pregnancy. Fortunately, the pregnancy shifted into the central uterus and there was again reason for celebration!
All in all, it took only a short three months from the first visit to send them out pregnant. I was very pleased with this rapid success.
One of the funniest moments I recall with this couple was when I asked her very bald husband, who liked to bowl, if he had ever painted three holes on his head for Halloween and then went trick-or-treating. Imagine my surprise when he answered "yes"!