Isches Family

Dr. Sweet & Staff:

Two years ago, about this time, we were sent to you for help. We are so thankful for your kindness and sincerity to our case. Zach and I look forward to seeing you again to use our future embryos.

Enzo had his first birthday on August 31. He is happy 95% of the time. He finally, about one month ago, got his first tooth on the bottom. Since then, he has the other on through on the bottom, and the two on tope are working their way down. He started to walk at 9.5 months. He claps, snaps, sways and sings. He loves music, wheels, cars, trucks and motorcycles. Enzo is all boy! He says “mama”, “dada”, “cat”, “hat”, “truck”, “duck”, “get”, “and even “what’s that?” He knows what we tell him. He eats very well and brushes his teeth, too! We are very lucky and proud parents.

I nursed him up through February 2007. At that point, my Multiple Sclerosis (MS) flared up again and we chose to stop and get ready to start medication. I started medication in June, 2007.
It’s been tough with the side effects, but Dr. Kandel is pleased.I hope to have a “positive” MRI at a year. At that point, we will consider what needs to be done to try to conceive again. From what I know, I just need to go off the medication one month prior to implantation. I will have to check in with you on how to handle/go about everything on your end.

We really enjoyed our experience with your office. We look forward to seeing you in the future, if all goes well. Thank you for helping us and the many others , making our dreams come true.

Thank you!
The Isches (Cassy, Zach, Enzo and Kathleen)

Dr. Sweet’s Comments:
This was an unusual situation. Kathleen needed to get pregnant quickly because of her MS. She needed to be on medications that could not be used during pregnancy safely. We wanted to use the procedure that gave us the highest chance for success and IVF was the answer. By also doing Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), we further increased the likelihood of transferring a healthy, genetically intact embryo. We “hedged our bet” and transferred two embryos and Enzo implanted and grew.

I’m pleased to hear that she is doing well and is now thinking about coming back for the cryopreserved embryos. We’ll see if we can get her pregnant again and deliver fraternal twins born three years apart!


updated 1/8/10

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