Donating Parents Identifying Information

Thank you for considering to donate your embryos to Embryo Donation International (EDI)! After the information is entered, the staff of EDI will review it and contact the facility that created your embryos. If we feel that we can find a wonderful home for your embryos, we will contact you and start the process to bring the embryos to our facility.

Why "Embryo Donation" and NOT "Embryo Adoption"?

Adoption refers to the the legal process where a new relationship is created between a parent and a live child. Adoptions can only be granted by the court after the birth of a child. Embryo Donation, however, is regulated by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and not the courts. While we here at EDI feel your embryos deserve a tremendous amount of respect, assigning personhood to an embryo has tremendous moral, ethical and legal ramifications. For a detailed discusson on this topic, please click here.

General Information

The information you provide on this form will be placed in our data base system. Your name will never be released. Segments of the information will also be loaded onto our web site. If you would like to see an example of the embryo donation sections of our web site, you may visit -

The Potential for Future Blood Testing

Additional laboratory testing may be requested by the Embryo Recipients including HIV, Hepatitis and inheritable diseases. This blood testing is purely optional but often encouraged


Source of Embryos

The information you provide here will remain confidential. These materials may only be released in their entirety with your written permission. Those items shaded will not be posted on the web site.

Much of the information requested below will not be seen by any other persons other than the medical staff of Specialists In Reproductive Medicine & Surgery, P.A. Many of the questions below are quite personal and the answers will not be posted on the Embryo Donation web site.

It is understood that some of the embryos were created using donor eggs and donor sperm. If so, please indicate the following (Check all that apply):

Options Applicant Initials

We appreciate your honesty in answering the questions listed in this application. Any missing information will require follow-up and significantly delay your posting in any of the databases.All of the embryos were created using donor sperm.

Limiting Sipulations

You are free to make specific stipulations regarding what type of patient(s) you feel comfortable assisting. Please select all that you AGREE to

Marital Status:



If there are any other limiting stipulations, please list them below. The less selective you are, the more likely you are to be chosen.

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