Specialists in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery, P.A. (SRMS) is a private reproductive endocrinology, infertility, gynecology and reproductive genetics practice located in Fort Myers, Florida.

Dr. Craig Sweet founded the practice as Women's Health Care & Reproductive Services in 1991. In July 1998, the practice was renamed Specialists in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery, P.A. (SRMS).

Basic Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility & Gynecology
Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)
Infertility & Gynecologic Surgery
Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD
Hormonal Imbalances
General Laboratory Services
Pediatric & Adolescent Services
Emotional Support


Basic Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility & Gynecology

• Comprehensive Male & Female Infertility
• Endometriosis
• Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
• Ovulation Induction
• Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
• Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI)
• Donor Insemination
• Advanced Transvaginal Sonography
• General Gynecology

Please note that comprehensive obstetrical services are not available through this practice. Accordingly, a patient referred by an Obstetrician will be encouraged to return for prenatal care and delivery while others will be referred to the physician of her choice.

Dr. Sweet also evaluates and cares for the male partner. His experience in male-factor infertility is current and extensive. By caring for both partners simultaneously, he is able to offer a comprehensive and cohesive care plan for the infertile or sub-fertile couple.


Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)

• In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
• Egg Donation
• Oocyte Aspiration for Cryopreservation*
• Conventional & Gestational Surrogacy
• Embryo Donation
• Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
• Surgically Aspirated Sperm Procedures
• Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
• In Vitro Maturation (IVM)
• Assisted Hatching of Embryos
• Advanced Embryo Culture Techniques with Blastocyst Transfer

Our practice established the first IVF/ART program in Southwest Florida in 1991. Since its inception, our pregnancy rates have been on par with those of many of the nation's most successful programs. Because of this, patients come to SRMS from throughout the US, as well as overseas.

SRMS has completed and published pioneering work in the transfer of advanced embryos. By utilizing special culture techniques we have been able to grow the embryos to a later sate, reduce the number of embryos transferred, and maintain high pregnancy rates all while trying to reduce the number of multiple pregnancies.

In the past, male-factor problems were difficult to overcome. Micromanipulation techniques are now commonly used to inject a single sperm into the human egg to produce embryos and viable offspring.

SRMS is proud to announce the regions first and only three-phase oocyte cryopreservation study. This study is being overseen by an Institutional Review Committee for human experimentation in compliance with the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) guidelines. For information about this exciting study, click here.

The reproductive options available to couples and individuals have tremendously increased over the years and SRMS is proud to offer these technologies.

* These procedures are considered investigational.



Infertility & Gynecologic Surgery

• Laser & Microscopic Pelvic Surgery
• Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery
• Tubal & Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery
• Trans-Cervical Tubal Cannulation
• Intra-Uterine Surgery
• Conservative Gynecologic Surgery
• Female Sterilization Reversal
• Office-Based Hysteroscopy

When surgery is necessary, numerous options are available both in our office and at nearby hospitals.

SRMS owns and operates a Florida Board of Medicine certified surgical facility, which is used for many reproductive and gynecologic procedures.

Nearby hospitals have the latest equipment enabling us to perform advanced surgical procedures. Dr. Sweet is extensively trained and experienced in open (laparotomy) procedures as well as minimally invasive procedures such as laparoscopy and intra-uterine, outpatient surgery. Dr. Sweet also has surgical privileges at multiple hospitals in the Lee County region.

Gynecologic surgery including hysterectomies and gynecologic cancer care are not routinely performed here at SRMS. Patients needing this type of surgery will be referred to the physician of their choice.

Surgery is not always necessary but when it is deemed appropriate, in-patient and outpatient alternatives will be made available to the patient.


Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

• Preconception Genetic Counseling
• Screening Embryos For:
• Chromosome Number (i.e., Down’s Syndrome)
• Single Gene Mutations (i.e., Cystic Fibrosis)
• Inheritable Cancers
• Gender For Family Balancing, Gender Preference & Gender Variety
• Chromosome Translocations
• Single Embryo Transfer

The amazing process of Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) allows a single embryo tobe screened for genetic disease prior to embryo transfer. We are able to screen embryos for numerous reasons including inheritable disease, genetic defects and even gender.

PGD improves the chances of embryo implantation and growth while reducing the rates of spontaneous loss. With PGD, fewer embryos may be transferred with a reduction of multiple pregnancy rates. PGD also seems to reduce the number of genetically impaired children delivered including such problems as Down’s syndrome.

Through the cooperation of other laboratories across the country, we are able to provide screening of embryos for hundreds of genetic diseases.

SRMS was the first reproductive facility in the area to offer this amazing re

productive technology. We have a strong background of study and research in medical and molecular genetics. This provides our staff with a unique perspective from which to offer PGD.



Hormonal Imbalances

• Male & Female Hormone and Endocrine Imbalances
• Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
• Menstrual Abnormalities
• Premature Menopause
• Menopause & Osteoporosis Treatment
• Bioequivalent Hormone Replacement Therapy
• Hormone Pellet Insertion

SRMS is not just a fertility clinic. We are a full service reproductive endocrine facility.

Both men and women seek care for their reproductive hormone imbalances with numerous conventional and contemporary treatment plans individualized for each patient’s specific medical needs.

As an example, women who suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) have a number of special medical concerns, which include an increased risk of obesity, growth of abnormal facial and body hair, acne, menstrual abnormalities, ovarian cysts, infertility, pre-diabetes, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and uterine cancer. SRMS has developed a comprehensive program, which addresses the cause of the disease and provides the PCOS patient with specialized treatment for her specific medical needs.


General Laboratory Services

• Semen Analysis and Other Andrology Testing
• Sperm Antibody Testing
• Semen Preparation for Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI)
• Semen, Embryo, Oocyte Cryopreservation & Storage*
• Ovarian/Testicular Tissue Cryopreservation & Storage*
• Embryology Laboratory with Advanced Culture and Embryo Growth Techniques
• Fully Certified Lab (CLIA & JCAHO Certifications)

The prestigious Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization (JCAHO) certifies the SRMS laboratory. We also hold an Advanced Laboratory Certification through the Clinical Laboratory Improvements Amendments (CLIA). The lab has received national recognition for its work in embryo transfer and laboratory procedures.

In addition to serving the internal needs of the SRMS patients, the laboratory also serves as the largest referral facility in the Southwest Florida region for andrology (semen) testing ordered by area clinicians. SRMS has the first Computer Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA) machine, which helps to speed up results and expand the research abilities of the practice.

The laboratory also offers special services for cancer patients whose disease and/or treatment may potentially affect their future fertility. In the male, the patient’s semen can be cryopreserved prior to chemotherapy or radiation procedures. Women can have embryos frozen prior to their therapy.

Cryopreservation of ovarian & testicular tissue as well as oocytes is available, but may be considered investigational. Both cryopreservation procedures are utilized in an attempt to ensure that the patient will be able to reproductive and raise a family after recovery from the cancer.

* These procedures are considered investigational.



Pediatric & Adolescent Services

• Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology
• Ambiguous Genitalia and Other Congenital Pelvic Malformations
• Disorders of Puberty (Early & Delayed)
• Menstrual Disorders
• Pelvic Pain

Dr. Sweet is the founder and director of the Southwest Florida Intersex Disorder Team. The IDT diagnoses and treats children born with genital malformations. This medical team, originated in 1994, brings new options and a cohesive level of care to patients and their families in the Southwest Florida region.

The published experience of the SRMS staff in the area of congenital malformations provides them with the experience necessary to evaluate and treat unusual pediatric/adolescent gynecologic and reproductive endocrine disorders of the pediatric and adolescent patient.


Emotional Support

We understand that our patients may have some difficulty dealing with the emotional stress of infertility and other medical conditions. If you feel you would benefit from psychological counseling, please mention this to us and we will make an appropriate referral to a professional experienced in the specific areas of concern. We recognize the importance of caring for the whole patient and that brief psychological counseling may be an important aspect of treatment.

updated 2/7/10

© 2011 Specialists In Reproductive Medicine & Surgery, P.A. | fertility@dreamababy.com

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